Tag: Vacuum Trash Cleaner

Autocoro 9, VTC for İncreased Advantage

Autocoro 9, VTC for İncreased Advantage

Genel, Textile
The new Vacuum Trash Cleaner (VTC) from Schlafhorst is an innovative unit for the Autocoro 9. It improves automated cleaning of the rotor spinning machine and thus increases its profitability. The VTC increases the raw material tolerance of the Autocoro 9, reducing spinning costs further. The spinning of recycled or coarse yarns generates a lot of fibre waste due to the high material throughput. The E3 (Energy, Economics, Ergonomics) optimised innovation counteracts this. It significantly reduces the manpower required to keep the machines clean in these applications. Efficient machine cleaning with minimum personnel costs The VTC is located in the middle of the machine, where it vacuums the dirt removal conveyor belt halfway. As a result, less fibre material accumulates on the be...