Tag: Peter D. Dornier

Young Talents Awarded For A Technologically Strong Sector

Young Talents Awarded For A Technologically Strong Sector

At the end of November, the chairman of the Walter Reiners-Stiftung (Foundation) of the VDMA Textile Machinery Association, Peter D. Dornier presented awards to six successful young engineers in Dresden. The award ceremony took place as part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference. The focuses of the award-winning works of the young engineers reflect the strengths of German textile machinery construction: the sector is particularly strong where high-quality applications and products are concerned. Janina Elser, TU Chemnitz, Abdelrahman Elbayoumi, ITA Aachen and Hendrik Pötzsch, ITM Dresden, were honoured with creativity awards for the cleverest bachelor or project work. The prizes are endowed with 3,000 euros each. Ms. Elser's bachelor thesis dealt with