Tag: nonwovens industry

Groz-Beckert at Techtextil India

Groz-Beckert at Techtextil India

Knitting, Nonwoven
Groz-Beckert exhibited its products in the Felting and Carding segments at Techtextil India. Took place from 20 to 22 November Techtextil India welcomed an international audience to the biennial trade fair in Mumbai, India. At Techtextil India visitors learned about Groz Beckerts’ product benefits – now and in the future. “dur” In the Felting product sector Groz-Beckert presented its new base material combined with a patented manufacturing process, called “dur”. The higher wear resistance and the improved corrosion resistance already work out for Groz-Beckert customers all around the globe. The company plans to extend the dur version to the complete product range, soon. A man-sized needle Within the traditional nonwovens industry, Groz-Beckert's GEBECON® felting needle pro