Tag: İzmir Commodity Exchange

Two Good News for Turkish Cotton

Two Good News for Turkish Cotton

  There are developments going on for Turkish cotton growers that led them be hopeful from the future. “GMO Free Turkish Cotton” project developed by National Cotton Council (UPK) and İzmir Commodity Exchange (İTB) will be introduced under Turkey Promotion Group. Incentives for manufacturers who store their products in licensed storehouses are also in effect. İTB President of the Assembly and UPK Chairman of the Board Barış Karagöz reviewed these recent developments. Barış Karagöz said the cotton that is grown in Turkey still do not meet the consumption. Kocagöz; “We are forced to import around 600 to 900 thousand tonnes in order to close the consumption gap for a long time now. But our production which has hit the rock bottom with 400 thousand tonnes will reach 850 thousand