Tag: French

French Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (UCMTF):”Turkey Among Our Most Important Market”

French Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (UCMTF):”Turkey Among Our Most Important Market”

Associations, Textile
“Our Strategy is Exactly Same Than Our Turkish Customers’ Strategies” Besides France has significant role in history of Europe and World, is one of the most important countries of European Union. France, is the fifth largest economy in the World and taking the first place in many different industries and also the leading country of textile industry and fashion.   France shows succesfull rate on Functional and Technical Textile Production in recent years and with that, Textile Machinery Production sector has remarkable reputation all over the world. As well as France Textile Endustry has three main section as yarn, weaving and fabric finishing, France is making production of Technical Textile Products increasingly. French Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (UCMTF) has