Tag: Flameproofings

BRÜCKNER for Market Leader in Flame Retardant Coating

BRÜCKNER for Market Leader in Flame Retardant Coating

In the past days, the latest technological coating product of BRÜCKNER was purchased by Flameproofing company. The sale of the product line was made by BRUKCNER's UK representative John Bradley. Flameproofing supplies flame retardant coatings to the upholstery and home textile market. The market leader in the field was founded 50 years ago as part of the John Holden group and the third generation family business. BRÜCKNER worked extensively with the Flameproofings team to define requirements and customize the design of the machine to ensure that all expectations were met or exceeded in all regards. Essential requirements were best in class heat and temperature consistency across and throughout the dryer, non-stop batch changeover and exact application as well as control of the coatin