Tag: EFI

Chief Technology Officer Appointed to EFI

Chief Technology Officer Appointed to EFI

Former Xaar CEO Doug Edwards Joins EFI as Chief Technology Officer. Electronics For Imaging, Inc. has named veteran print technology executive Dr. Douglas Edwards as its Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Edwards replaces longtime technology leader Ghilad Dziesietnik, who recently retired after nearly 25 years with EFI - the last 14 as CTO. Edwards, who assumes his new duties today, has had an extensive career as a senior print executive and R&D technologist. Immediately prior to this appointment, Edwards was CEO of Cambridge, England-based Xaar plc, a leading developer of inkjet print head technologies for industrial printing, and Chairman of Xaar 3D Ltd - the company's 3D printing joint venture with Stratasys Ltd. Before joining Xaar in 2015 Edwards was President of Kodak's Digit...
EFI Introduces Next-generation Single-pass Reggiani BOLT Textile Digital Printer

EFI Introduces Next-generation Single-pass Reggiani BOLT Textile Digital Printer

Printing & Digital Printing
The EFI Reggiani BOLT re-writes the rules of digital textile single-pass printing. The brand-new, next-generation, single-pass EFI™ Reggiani BOLT textile digital printer from Electronics For Imaging, Inc. (Nasdaq:EFII) made its debut this week during an open house event at the EFI Reggiani facility in Bergamo, Italy. The advanced, ultra-high-speed digital single-pass printer has the potential to revolutionise the textile printing market, providing users with high uptime and reliability, outstanding performance, superior printing uniformity and accuracy, long printhead life and minimal maintenance needs. The EFI Reggiani open house has created huge interest in global textile market opportunities, with nearly 300 customers and journalists attending to see the new BOLT in action. “T