DAVID NIEPER Partners with BRÜCKNER Textile Technologies

DAVID NIEPER Partners with BRÜCKNER Textile Technologies

Dyeing – Finishing
DAVID NIEPER has installed a state of the art dyehouse with the latest BRÜCKNER finishing technology. DAVID NIEPER a British fashion house designing and manufacturing luxury women’s clothing, knitwear and nightwear in Derbyshire/ UK for almost 60 years has installed a state of the art dyehouse with the latest BRÜCKNER finishing technology. DAVID NIEPER Ltd. is a family owned fashion house founded in 1961. The company designs and manufacturers its entire women’s fashion collections in Alfreton, Der-byshire/ UK, including both knitting and sewing operations, as well as catalogue printing for its mail-order operations throughout Europe. Digital printing Superior product quality and customer satisfaction are the key factors for their long lasting success and in order to improve qualit