Innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2024”
Six award nominees will present promising sustainable solutions for the industry in the field of cellulose fibres value chains. The full innovation potential of the cellulose fibre industry will be displayed to a wide audience in Cologne (Germany), and online

For the fourth time, nova-Institute awards the “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” award in the frame of the “Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024” (13-14 March 2024). The conference advisory board nominates six remarkable products and the nominees have the opportunity to present their innovation to a broad expert audience on the first day of the conference. After voting for the winner, the award ceremony will take place in the evening.

Cellulose fibres show a steadily expanding range of applications. At the same time, markets are driven by technological developments and political framework conditions, especially bans and restrictions on plastics and increasing sustainability requirements for textiles. The European Commission has made the thorough transition towards sustainability and circularity for different industries and especially the textile sector a main focus. All nominees will therefore introduce innovative pathways towards more sustainable technologies and products.
First stage: until 15 December 2023
Producers and inventors of innovative technologies and applications are invited to hand in a completed application form (submission form is open) and a leaflet or a two-page PDF about the product in English. Please provide us with at least two images in print quality (300 dpi) that we may use for promotional purposes (e.g. on the website, in press communications, in the conference journal or in mailings). Please be sure to include metadata for each image.
Metadata must include at least:
Short description, copyright holder, owner of the rights of use and licence note. The documents should explain the particular aspects of the innovation and when it was launched on the market. It is also necessary to submit a sample of the product (or a small material sample if the product is too unhandy).
Asta Partanen
nova-Institut GmbH
Leyboldstr. 16 / 2. OG
50354 Huerth, Germany
Deadline for delivery: 15 February 2024
Second stage: Mid of January 2024
A jury consisting of representatives of the nova-Institute, the advisory board and sponsors of the conference will nominate the outstanding “Top 6” applicants prior to the conference.
After the jury has selected the “Top 6” candidates among the applicants, their application documents will be made available for download at the conference website to provide our audience and other interested parties a first glimpse of these innovations.
Third stage: At the conference (13 March 2024)
In a short 10-minute presentation, each of the six companies will introduce their innovation on the first day of the conference (13 March 2024). The Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2024 Award will be voted for by conference delegates as well as online participants on the afternoon of 13 March at 18:00 (CET). Afterwards, the announcement of the winner will take place over a local beer. The evening gala dinner at the conference venue offers excellent networking opportunities.
In addition, the “Top 6” will present their innovations in a shared exhibition space provided by the nova-Institute during the whole of the conference. Furthermore, there is the option to book your own exhibition space.
All winners and their innovations will be highlighted in the subsequent media coverage. Each “Top 6” candidate will get one free 2-day ticket and further tickets at a discount rate.