A Historical Record in Turkey’s Textile Export

Ahmet Öksüz, the chairman of Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters Union, made significant statements about the 939 million dollar exportation in textile sector during October. This export record is the greatest in the history of our Republic.

According to the statements made by Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exports Union, textile sector broke the record with a 939 million dollar exportation, which is the greatest one in the history of Republic.

The chairman of Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exports Union, Ahmet Öksüz says “ITHIB, we have broken the record in the history of Republic with our 939 million dollar exportation. The exports that we have performed during October 2018 have become the biggest exports of all times. I believe that by the end of 2018 these numbers will increase even more. As Turkish textile industry, we have the power to make a difference in world fashion. For Turkey, it is significant to reduce the foreign trade deficit, and to do that we have to increase our exports.”

Adil Öksüz made comments on the activities of the textile sector that were performed between January and October. According to him, our sector has caught an increase with a 8,8 billion dollar exportation, which shows that there is a 5,4 percent rise compared to the same period of previous year. We have performed exports to 198 different countries in textile and raw materials during 1 January and 31 October. With the exports that we have done in 198 countries, our export in textile and raw materials have risen up to 73 percent. Just as we have accomplished to increase our exports in our current markets, we also started to open up to new markets.

Exports are mostly to European countries

Adil Öksüz has acknowledged that the countries that make a difference in the world of fashion are the ones to perform exports the most. He says:

In between January-October 2018, we have performed  747 milion dollar exportation to Italy with a 1,5 percent rise, 726 million dollar exportation to Germany with a 3 percent rise and 501 million dollar exportation to the USA with a 2,2 percent rise. Half of the exports that we perform are mostly to the European Union. In the same period, we have performed 4,5 billion dollar export to the European Union with a rise of 2,5 percent. Our exports to countries that dominate world textile industry shows how powerful we are as the Turkish textile sector. Textile is the sixth top sector in Turkey that performs exports and we get a share of almost 7 percent of our country’s general export. In order for us to increase this share, we need  to export products with high added value and increase our share in our new markets.”

Record number in yarn exports

By continuing his statements, Adil Öksüz has said; “We broke the record in the history of Republic in both technical textile and January-October period export. In October 2018 our textile export has risen to 153 milion dollars and has become the biggest export of all times.Technical textile is the one among textile and raw materials to have the biggest contribution in the increase of our exports.”

Öksüz, who has acknowledged that they broke a historical record  in yarn exports, said that in October 2018, yarn exportation has increased to 181 million dollars, which is the biggest one of all times, and in January-October period, it has increased up to 1,6 billion dollars with a rise of 8,7 percent.

Öksüz tells that yarn sector is the one with biggest contribution to textile and raw materials exportation after woven fabrics by pointing out that its share from all textile and raw materials exportation is 18,3 percent.

Öksüz tells that during January-October period in 2018, they have experienced a significant increase in every sub-sector. He says “In woven fabrics sector we performed 2,1 billion dollar export with a 4,3 percent rise, in yarn sector we performed 1,6 billion dollar export and in technical textile sector we performed 1,4 billion dollar export with a rise of 14,1 percent, and in fiber sector we have performed 602 million dollar export with a rise of 22,7 percent.We also had an increase in our sub-sectors.”